Understanding our Catalog:
  • The designation "I, II, or III" indicates the level of the course. Students should have completed the previous level prior to enrolling in the next level.
  • The designation "A or B" indicates that the course has 2 parts. Students should take part "A" before taking part "B."
  • The designation "CR" indicates that the course is a credit recovery course and is designed to be completed in an accelerated manner.

NOTE: Please familiarize yourself with our changes and refunds policy before finalizing your selections.

Forensic Science I


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Take a new look at forensics through the lens of some of the world’s most famous and intriguing crime cases.

SKU: HSFORSC Categories: , Tags: , ,


Take a new look at forensics through the lens of some of the world’s most famous and intriguing crime cases. This course examines the latest forensic techniques and innovations used to solve crimes. It also focuses on basic scientific principles and laboratory processes used in the field, such as DNA testing, presumptive tests, and material analysis. Investigative experiences for students include electrophoresis and evidence analysis techniques such as fingerprinting, blood typing, and fiber analysis. Students also study crime scene investigation (CSI) and evidence collection using mock crime scenes.Notes: (1) Requires purchase of a full year. (2) Case studies in forensic science examine evidence that may be sensitive to some students.

Prerequisite: Biology (recommended)Customer-Provided Required Materials:?Three pens of the same color ink and water-solubleSlow absorbing paper towels or coffee filtersCollecting bags (Ziploc bags or envelopes)Styrofoam plates or soft cookies or breadGraphite pencils (most common)Three pieces of clothing or clothFour glasses or clear plastic cupsWhite paper (avoid card stock)Magnifying glass, if availablePermanent markerGloves, if possibleScissorsRulerWaterPencilTapeOptional: Camera

Syllabus: Click Here

Changes and Refunds Policy

Parent/Student may cancel any individual Student enrollment in a Course within ten (10) calendar days after the enrollment date in that Course ("Grace Period"). In the event of a timely request for cancellation and approval, HGS will issue a credit to Parent/Student for a future enrollment, but in no event will any refunds be issued. No credit or refund shall be owed to Parent/Student for cancellations or reassignments reported to HGS beyond the Grace Period